Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Bob Dog

I purposely selected a fuzzy photo because Bob dog is not doing well. So neither are we.

He's been deaf for several years and today he's lost most of his vision, except for seeing silhouettes. He's scared and I'm a basket case!

We rescued him from the Shelter in January 1996. It was the rainy season then and somehow he'd gotten lost from his owners--who never claimed him. The folks at the Shelter thought he was a little over a year old. So we brought him home and he became family.

He's been the best dog we've ever had the pleasure of owning. Actually I think he owns us.

My sis left this little bed when she was here in January. Bob's too big for it, but he loves it. He has one upstairs that he fits in, but he prefers this one.

Mr. Fun knows the man who is the head of Animal Control for our city. He has said he doesn't make house calls, but because he knows Mr. Fun, he'll be glad to come.

I don't usually cry. Currently, I can't stop the tears.

The last time, I think, I blipped Bob Dog was for "Bliptogether" in January.

He used to sleep on our bed, but about last summer I was afraid that he'd fall off, so I moved the footstool so he could no longer jump up onto the bed to sleep with us (or half the day after we woke up). We've had to put temporary fencing around the pool because he had fallen into it several times last autumn because he could no longer see it.

If I don't blip much in the next few days, it's because I'm not very together.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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