Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Ladybird Books

A day in Hay-on-Wye, so the blip really HAD to be a book-related one, even though the motivation for the trip was actually music!

We'd booked tickets to hear the wonderful James Rhodes perform again (see blip for 26th May), and decided that since we were driving to Hay, we might as well make a day of it. And a wonderful day it was too, walking around in the sun, eating chips & ice cream (not together), meeting up with twitter friends (@katheastman, @5357311 and @orchid99) and, of course, poking around in bookshops.

I found this wonderful room which had on one side a whole load of Observers Guides (I bought the one for Cacti & Succulents) and on the other side a whole load of Ladybird Books!

I have a particular affection for Ladybird Books, as I learnt to read from them, on my father's knee, aged 3, the year before starting school. At the same time, I also learnt to read music (also taught by my father). I have no memory of being unable to read either words or music, and both of these skills form such a huge part of my life I couldn't imagine what it would be like not to have either of them.

Furthermore - Ladybird Books are wonderfully colourful, so quite photogenic!

The day was crowned with a supremely wonderful performance by James, all the more wonderful because it was shared with friends! Thank you all! :-)

Apologies for the patchy commenting - been SERIOUSLY busy recently. However, I'll try to catch up on a few this weekend. I'm still looking though, and loving your blips.

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