Thinking of a new look?

Busy, busy, busy again. I sent the final proof to the client at 4.00, grabbed some rest and was up again at 8.00. The printer arrived at 9.30, with pre-press proofs of the rest, by which time the client had replied with a couple of final changes. All in the bag by 10.15 and ready to roll.

Not much time to catch my breath after that before I had to turn to the other urgent job which was waiting in the wings. Most of the rest of the day went on familiarising myself with the content and scanning through the material for any obvious problems. By the end of the day I was ready to begin work, with a few tricky and potentially problematic pages prioritised for layout work first.

I took a break mid-afternoon and went in to town, needing to get some supplies in Easons. That's when I spotted this shop front and caught a blip just as this unlikeliest potential customer approached the door. A lucky accident (and better bigger).

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