
By 42

The Birds

Totally lacking in inspiration today. Had to go to Glasgow and back and I felt like I was just lugging my camera around for no purpose. However, one of my promises to myself when I started blipping was that I would take my camera almost everywhere.

So, when the weather turned bleak this evening and the light faded I had almost lost any hope of a proper blip, but I took a walk round the block and came across this squad (not as big as a flock and more shifty looking) of birds settling in for the night on the big cranes.

I took some other miserable looking pictures of the flotsam and jetsam floating in the Water of Leith, but this one sums up my mood today really.

Tweaked the colour and added some noise to give it some atmosphere and voila - a real blip!

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Link today is to An Elegy of Sorts' Shoe blip yesterday (not been surfing much today). A really well executed 'shoelf' portrait that made me smile.

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