I feel infinite.

By racheelz

In Honor of World Cup

Today was the last full day of school. It'll be finals up until Monday, and luckily my schedule has my most difficult classes spread out on separate days. Plus, my AP classes don't have finals so Monday will be free for me!

Not much happened at school except that I tripped up the concrete stairs on the way to lunch because I somehow missed the next step. I ended up scraping up my left hand and now it kind of stings. That's what you get for being a klutz, I guess.

We watched the World Cup in some of my classes and I watched some of the guys go crazy. I'm not much of a sports fan but I'll watch! And in relation to soccer, I took this of Frank at a soccer field in the park. I told him to do some sort of model pose hahaha so here is the result.

It was difficult to choose between this and my alternate blip, which I like because of the unusual angle and focus. I wasn't even looking through the viewfinder when I took that photo..kind of just aimed and shot, hoping to get his face in the frame.

Tonight will be my math studying night! How exciting.

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