my little eye

By i4detail

Desperately seeking...

refuge. This is a rather large gull chick which appeared on our bedroom floor, looking rather confused and sitting quietly next to our very proud cat. How on earth she carried it so carefully up an outside staircase and through the house (all on 3 legs) without damaging the bird at all, we have no idea. We then gently placed the bird back into some sort of safety at the back of some buildings. Not a great quality shot, but I thought he deserved to star on blip for his ordeal, so bravely borne!

Thank you all for your really kind words and thoughts after my news update yesterday. I am very pleased to say that my husband is improving and already visibly looks better. I am banging around with one eye permanently dilated to hold the iris open to let it rest while the steroid drops do their work. I can't focus properly, can't sit in the sunshine or see where I'm going. Bummer on a lovely summer's day. I did think of getting a wild orange wig, painting lightning on my face and being a pretty good Bowie impersonator. Oh... no... I think I'm maybe the wrong sex, 2 stone too heavy and can't sing. Another bummer.

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