A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Siding Finally!

So for those of you who voted on colors, I apologize but we chose something completely different. And we are happy we did. Your comments were extremely helpful though, in our final decision-making process. We had vertical cedar siding before and there was 30+ years of water damage behind many parts (and our house has many parts). It's got all these funny angles, with tall expanses of exterior walls. We could not imagine what it might look like with horizontal siding and truthfully, until today, I wasn't sure it would look good. But it does! It actually 'shortens' the house visually, which is fine. It's a one story structure and now it looks more grounded. Which I suppose means it looked ungrounded before. Whatever that means. It's a good thing for a house to be grounded though because we all know the importance of a good solid foundation. Not that siding has anything to do with the foundation, but well, what do you think? Better?

Funny how wide angle shots of horizontal siding can play visual tricks on the eyes...

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