
By Barking

Why for art thou forsaking me?

I took a few grey beachy shots this morning, but they were all a bit washed out so I decided to use this one.

Cousteau has been following me around like a lost soul all morning, ever since he caught sight of the dreaded suitcase on the bed. He is sitting now with his head on my knee, gazing at me as if I am the best thing since sliced bread.

I thought this look of his summed up how we were both feeling this morning. Separation for only 11 days, but it's the longest we've been apart since he was born, almost 2 years ago. Good for both of us, I guess.

He's staying with a friend of ours, J. She has his sister, Lencie, and so the two will play like mad things. He'll come back skinny and ready for a rest. He loves it out there so I shouldn't really be worried about him.

So TTFN puppy-boy and I look forward to those big puppy cuddles when I get back.

I don't have time to link to anyone else's blips today as I have to go and eat lunch and then pack. I'll be taking photos every day while in New Caledonia but not sure if I'll be able to post each day.


Edit: I have tagged this as an assignment shot because Cousteau is my antithesis. Where I am over analytical and often seem to think of the consequences, Cousteau lives life to the full and doesn't think about tomorrow. He is a free spirit (which is what I'd like to be but somehow don't seem to get there.) He doesn't hold grudges and makes an effort to truly be happy when he sees those he loves - I'm still learning.

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