horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Today I danced with Tilda Swinton. Mind you, so did quite a few others. And no, I don't have any pictures of the dancing because I was doing it, whereas those slightly more dedicated blippers* CanCarrier, Acronymphomania, Just Sitting and MaiT will likely have something more 'dynamic' to display.

As a flashmob it was fun if a little... staged. We arrived 15 minutes early to meet a couple of friends, and hanging around it was clear that all of the TV cameras and photographers floating about meant this wasn't going to be one of those 'what the...?!?!' events for passers-by. All designed to raise awareness of the 8 1/2 Foundation (of which I believe Ms Swinton is a co-founder).

It was clear during the dance that there were those who had learned it and those who... well.... let's be kind and say they maybe had more important things to do than sit watching and copying continuous loops of a Laurel & Hardy scene.
And as if one heavyweight (in terms of ability) actor wasn't enough, Brian Cox turned up as well (and looked grumpy throughout it has to be said - Acro's got a great photo of him posing for some official shots).

Want a simple pleasure? Do something 'different', something out of the ordinary. At the very least it gives you a good story.

*by 'dedicated' I do obviously mean scaredy-cat non-dancers... :P

p.s. I've put a different crop of yesterday's blip onto the entry now... Nothing if not indecisive. Or maybe I'm not.

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