
By flying


Let me introduce you to Daughter E and Daughter A - a casual photo.

Today was our last family day together as Daughter A returns to Wellington tomorrow, my how quickly 2 weeks goes. We had a family brunch in the city today and then home to relax and chat. Daughter A has just finished making a few batches of Banana Chocolate Chip muffins, she is taking some back with her and is leaving some behind for us, aren't we lucky. They smell devine.

Daughter E is taking part in her schools 'Wearable Arts' competition with a friend and hopes to enter a costume. Shes been busy collecting bits and pieces and thinking about the design.

I have made my phone call to see if still needed for tomorrow (dreaded Monday). I have been summoned for Jury Service. Something I always hoped would not come my way but it has and I have no way of getting out of it. I'm hoping I will be 'challenged' and won't be needed but that maynot happen. It is completely out of my comfort zone but I'm hoping to turn it into a positive experience - I keep thinking blip opportunities in the city during lunch! Anyway it will be 'Take The Leap' for me and this is what this year is about!

Thanks for all your comments you have left while our internet has been on the 'go slow'. I think we are back in full swing but I still maybe a little late with commenting as I have know idea what court hours will be this week or however long this procedure will take.

Hope you are all having a great weekend :)

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