Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Great sunset

I finally got caught up with my back blipping, and here I am with tonight's blip for the day.

I took the day off work today, I knew I would be tired and have a lot of things to catch up on. So, it was a day of laundry, shopping, banking, and I had to pick up my collected mail.

I took shots of horses today, fields, cats, I just didn't like any of them much. I was pretty discourage, because it had been cloudy most of the day. There was a little time in the afternoon that it was sunny, but I was busy then.

Anyway, I was surprised because about 8:30 p.m. I looked outside and I could see that the clouds had lifted just a little and the sun was peeking through as it was setting. I quickly drove down to my favorite spot, and there was a beautiful sunset.

At first, all I could see was little snips of the sun here and there among the trees that were above the water. Then, the sun burst through, and the sky was glowing. It was almost like a red, and purple rainbow. It was magnificent.

I did my best to get a good shot of it, but it just does not do it justice.

It looks best in large.

Maybe when I get my new camera, I can improve my blips. It should be coming within the next week. It is a Canon G10. I'm so excited. I sure hope I can learn how to use it quickly.

Thanks for visiting my blips.

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