Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy


Today is Wednesday and the day we all took Grandma on her errands. The boys were not looking forward to today, but not for the reason of Grandma (MeeMaw). They had to work together to do some of the Wednesday chores which includes litter boxes! Oh joy! We have one cat that continues to use our whole garage floor as his litter box, so this isn't a simple chore! I promised them we will have an enjoyable rest of the day if they got this all done while Grandma was getting her hair 'prettied up.' While I was doing MORE laundry, they got to work. Mission accomplished! They are a little jealous that littlest brother gets the easier job...emptying all of the garbage cans. I assure them that the older their 'baby' brother gets...the more responsibilities he will also get.

Once grandma was dropped off...we met up with Kristin and her cousin's cute little baby Megan that she watches during the summer. We met at my mom's house and had some really fun pool time at her clubhouse pool. My nephew, Billy, was spending the day at Nana's house. All the kids enjoyed each other's company! Baby Megan wasn't so sure that she liked the pool, I think she was mainly just sleepy.

In the evening we went to my nephew Lenny's All-Star game hosted by Morada Little League. They are still in the tournament and won tonight also! This is the first year that our little league has had a Juniors Division and also the first year my nephew has EVER played ball. He has done amazing for having his first season of baseball at the age of 14 years old. This blip photo is him after the game tonight. The sunshine was going through the dugout fence, casting some strange-shaped lighting onto his face :D

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