Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy


Today Loren and Liam had to get physicals and meet their new we spent a better part of the day at Kaiser. Loren had to get 11-year-old boosters of Tetanus and chicken pox as well as a meningitis shot! Poor guy! It felt like we were at Kaiser forever. Since the doctor's refrigerator for immunizations was broken, we had to go downstairs in the allergy clinic where they were storing the extra immunizations and wait another 45 minutes there. Liam and Landon were bouncing off the walls (I even caught Landon climbing UP the walls). That's when I thought to myself, is this a way to spend my birthday? ha ha

The evening was much better, though! We took the drive to Valley Springs and celebrated my nephew, Billy's, 12th birthday. Him and I share a birthday. We all hung out by their pool and enjoyed chatting and watching all of the kids swimming like little fish. Billy requested money this year, since he's saving up for an iTouch. As they get older, their 'toys' get more expensive :D

Once we got home, I opened my birthday card from Gary and found he had bought our family season passes to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and had reserved one night's stay in Santa Cruz for the weekend before the kids return to school. Monterey has always been my favorite place to go, so a trip to Monterey AND Santa Cruz in one weekend is something I will be looking forward to! It was a wonderful evening!

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