
By FauxPunk

Drunken Bum


Saturday was difficult... a near-12-hour shift at work, 11:15 - 23:00. Not much opportunity for photos, so I decided to take the camera with me, and head down to the lake at lunchtime. What a waste! I got nothing, and ended up with not enough time to eat :(

Luckily, I'd had the presence of mind to take this snap in the wee small hours to embarrass Mathew. He was out with work on Friday Night... I could tell by the incresing soppiness, decreasing regularity, and deteriorating quality of the spelling and grammar in his texts, that he was exceedingly drunk.

After weighing up the merrits of going back to a friend's and crashing on their couch, or getting a bus/taxi home, he eventually agreed to me picking him up and bringing him home. This pic was about 1/2 an hour after he put himself to bed. Looks quite peaceful actually.

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