Smell the roses

Pio loves to play with flowers. It's not often that I receive them, but when I do, his eyes light up with the anticipation of the fun he is going to have.

This time, I managed to keep him away from them (a combination of growling and my water spray bottle!). Once I had thrown them out into the garden to break down, he delighted in dragging them back across the garden to the table, where he could play with them in full view of Cousteau and me.

He's a honey.

I went to school this morning and did a bit of work. Then home again to some more cleaning. The oven was the subject of my attack today. It's pretty clean now. Bedroom next.

Til tomorrow.

Oh, and the Vizsla is known as the 'Velcro Dog'. Today, if I was in any doubt (which I wasn't), he was proving it! I love him but it can drive me potty!

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