Open your eyes

By tocantis


Today I got up seven o'clock just to avoid the heat and go take photos before I couldn't keep the camera in my sweaty hands and while the sun was still low enough. =)

I also followed the "getting positively lost"-principle. I thought I really got lost but then I found myself on a street I knew. But it was fun. I'd like to get lost and feel the excitement but I rarely succeed.
Specially since I've lived in this city already about 2 years.
But there's still alot to explore. Today I found two beauty salongs and a t-shirt printshop which might come in handy.

I think some people might be suicidal in this heat since I saw some people wearing a jacket and jeans. And since it was 22 degrees celsius 7 o'clock this morning and the highest temp today is supposed to be around 36-38, at the time it was noon and must have been already around 30 degrees. It's like going in to the sauna with your clothes on!

For your joy I'd like you to see this photo by Willis. I think in this heat that would be nice..

Oh about this photo! It's a church in other side of the city and I've always wanted to explore it a bit closer. It's in idyllic part of the town on a small hill in the middle of a park. It was really beautiful there.

Enjoy your summery saturday blippers!

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