Colin Parte

By ColinParte

The Beautiful Pub

I took the opportunity of a late start in work today to drive to Ardee, Co. Louth, which is where my granny, Anne McCreanor, was born in January 1902. My father would take us to the town when we were kids to visit his cousins once or twice a year and the most striking thing back then was that the main street, aptly named Castle St, was the location of two castles, Ardee Castle and Hatch's Castle. I set out with the intention of Blipping the street with the two castles but with traffic and various street furniture it proved unsatisfactory.
However, I probably would have plumped for this picture anyway as it is fairly striking. A number of drivers were kind enough to stop to allow me to take a few pictures of which, this one, was the best.
Sadly, Hamills was closed, but I start work at 18:00 anyway, dagnamit!

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