
By nina

The power of forgiveness - lightness

I have been packing for about six hours today. While I was packing Timo was painting my new apartment, alone. Yes, he really did that for me.

Going through our mutual things, and choosing what to take to my new home made me think of many memories. As well as thinking of Timo helping me now, as he always has done. I realized that I know that he is not a BAD person. He is a GOOD person.

When I think back, even if I always have loved and respected Timo, I know that I have my faults, too. I have sometimes been selfish, I can admit that. And I am truly sorry for sometimes hurting Timo.

When he got back I sat down and told him what I had thought. I also said that I'm immensely grateful for those fourteen years that we had spent together. I told him that deep down I know that he is GOOD. That is what he always has been to me.

Then I told him that I can understand him wanting a child of his own. And that he is living another phase in his life than I am. At the end I said: " I forgive you of what you have done to me".

I have had a lot of anger, too, inside of me during this process. But when I told him that I forgive him, I felt so light. Even if I cried and said to him that this has been the hardest time in my life, and that telling him what I did, demands a LOT of me.

Timo was also very thankful that I said those things to him. I felt that I set him and myself free. I feel very proud of myself.

After having dinner I packed my camera and lenses in my backpack, took a vase of glass with me, too. I headed to Maija's and Paavo's allotment garden to shoot some flowers in the vase. This shot is for Annelie (Nordicangel) - thank you!

P.S. I have added a link to some other shots on the day that I met Catherine and her boys.

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