Barbara Jo

Upon leaving Dallas this afternoon, I had to get a quick snapshot of BJ. She is beautiful and bright and funny and animated. I also loved the necklace with her dress.
She's just started her own blip journal, c'est une belle vie. Check her out. Her adventure into DSLR photography has just begun and I cannot wait to see more from her.
My favorite part of her agreeing to let me take her portrait was the fact that she was trying to tell me a story and could not get past the first two lines of it because she felt so awkward with my lens in her face. I tried to ask her questions and she'd get sidetracked. Ha, but at least she's natural. ... Pro. BJ is pro.
BJ has a natural eye for composition. She took some great candid shots at a wedding this past weekend. I love it.
I love passions. I love when people get excited about taking photographs. I have someone in the area to go shoot with! And she has a Nikon too! YES.
I came home so tired. But not too tired to make a double batch of spaghetti and meatballs. Mmm.. they were the best I've ever made too. Bonus.
Of course, the only downside to cooking for one is that now I'll be eating the same meal for lunch and dinner every night this week. At least it's delicious.

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