occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

On my mind

Today was a weird mélange of thoughts and conversations. I think it was the first day that I've had a day completely to myself since I came back from the funeral. Unfortunately, I felt manipulated, overwhelmed, stressed out, sad, angry, defeated, and exasperated. All seems to be on the up and up though. Boundaries. Needed. Set. I will relax now.

My dad (pictured here in 1953-ish) has been on my mind a lot lately. Thinking of him getting back into the routine of work... trying to keep going forward. I then think of Ted.. and I picture him walking through the back door of our house, yelling out in his deep, Cajun voice for my mom and dad to get ready to go to dinner. I don't really want that memory to fade away. I want to remember his voice. Some voices are easier for me to remember. His was distinct.

I can't thank my friends - new and old - enough for their support, words, encouragement and shoulders for me to cry on these past few weeks.
For now, I'm finishing up the last few minutes of the season 3 finale of Mad Men and then I'm calling it a night.


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