Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Pampering Myself #2 Smoothing Out The Wrinkles

My clothing caught on a bathroom drawer knob this morning and its contents (all my make-up) were strewn across the floor. Sweeping it into a heap, I left it for tonight to sort thinking I may risk parting with some of it! No chance, every half used eye-shadow, each lip-salve and rarely used nailvarnish bottle were carefully reinstated.

However, the thing I seem to have the most of is jars of anti-wrinkle cream. Why on earth don't I use them having spent a fortune over the years? I've been recommended a good firm providing some healthy products so before I buy any more I should enjoy the luxury of using these ones up.

I keep telling myself I'm worth it! (A UK advert.) I thought Andie MacDowell was great in Four Weddings And A Funeral so I believe every word she says!!!!

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