
Good days and bad days aren't really absolutes, are they? Things can always be better just as they can be worse. But knowingly or unknowingly, more often than not subconsciously, we build up a veil of expectation which somewhat dilutes the spontaneity of our experience. Every day there is so much going for us, which we take for granted and fail to notice, until the moment something goes wrong. In the same way, something suddenly working out after prolonged defeat brings us much joy as the former brings agony. Which is why it is important to understand that we always have a choice; the choice that determines what we focus on among the aspects in our lives whose outcomes are not in our hands. And if we are able to find more positives than not, it gives us the grit to work towards the rest that are.

Despite a couple of mildly untoward incidents, today has been largely good. And very busy.

I wanted to shoot an old dripping faucet, after I saw this excellent shot yesterday. And though I did take one with a set of neat hanging droplets all on the focal plane, I decided to go for this one today. Perhaps I will try to shoot another tomorrow.

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