RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography


I have long been intrigued by the images of rowers I have seen over the years. I had a little time before volleyball commitments this beautiful Sunday morning and rode over to the Montlake Bridge on my way to camp. I was lucky, two shells were heading down the Montlake Cut as I pulled on to the bridge (or maybe there are always rowers sculling through the cut). I lined up the shot like I had seen many times before, but the resulting images were no where near as spectacular as I expected. There was no drama, no real point of interest.

This shot was almost an after thought. I took it in a half hearted manner at the time and it wasn't until I looked at it on the computer that I realized I had the making of something interesting. I particularly how the combination of light and dark draws your eye into the photo while creating a repeating pattern. A little cropping here, the removal of a leftover oar there, and all of a sudden it is a "post worthy" image.

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