Still much to offer

Well, how does one follow a bra on a tree (which I blipped yesterday)?

Alas, no such surprises today, but some lovely soft sunlight on my return from work and bunch of dead stuff, still with so much to offer.

A soft, dreamy blip which pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right this minute. I'm chilling on my new (old) sofa with my cat on one side of me and the dog on his bed on the other.

New flatmate is out. All is quiet and calm. Two happy fed boys and one absolutely near exhaustion mummy.

I have to go to a Right To Life meeting at seven thirty. I'm the secretary so will need to take minutes. At the moment I feel as if I'll be lucky not to crash the car as I fall asleep on the way there, let alone make it through a meeting and the half an hour drive home!

Oh well, it's only once a month.

I'm trying to write a song at the moment. It's for a competition. I'm not big into song competitions (I find it hard to see how someone can judge one song better or worse than another without employing personal preference only). I've got a few lines down. I think it'll be quite pretty, if nothing else.

Gotta go.


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