
By sp33dway

and another one turns...

The ones when I was little were the most magical of course, but the ones I've shared with her have been the best.

She made me a special breakfast of bagels n' smoked salmon, freshly squeezed orange juice and the fittest cup of coffee ever (drank out of my new pantone mug too). Lot's of cards, the odd wonderful gift (a little book of wales being one of them) and a few teary eyed happy moments as I read the little messages off my mum and dad and my gran.

AND I share my day with John Lennon too - how nifty is that? I could chat all morning but I've got a day to enjoy (and mums beefy'kidleybirthdaystew to look forward to later). So a pic of a leaf clinging on it is.

I may change this pic later for something a bit more familyish but right now I'm off to buy a fishtank...

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