Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Grayed sunset

Today My husband and I spend some quality time with our oldest granddaughter. She really wanted to go to this old time 50's type restaurant and have a cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry milkshake. We took here there, and there were some 50's looking things on the wall, but I was really surprised to see pin-up calendar girl pictures all over on the wall. They were from the 50's era, but still a little briefly clad photos.

Anyway, Ashley's eyes were bigger than her stomach, so she didn't finish all her food, but she was really happy she got to go there. It had special memories for her from when she went there as a little girl with her step-dad.

After she went home, my husband and I kind of crashed for a few hours and then I called my mother and my husband, who had been outside, came in and said "You might want to take some pictures of the sunset." Well, I quickly got off the phone and we drove to a few blocks away to the bay, and it was beautiful. It was such a shock because the fog was rolling in earlier, and so I thought we would have another overcast evening. There was some fog in the shots, though; it added a gray cast to the sunset. I thought it looked pretty cool.

Another Monday tomorrow, sigh!

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