
By FauxPunk

Quit Buggin' Me!


I've no idea who or what this chap is, but I found him adhered to the bottom of our bathroom blind. He's gone now, god knows where, so I hope he's friendly!

Monday was one of those days again. As soon as I got to work I was stressed. A million things to do and none of them getting done. When I get to that point, I start moving bits of paper around my desk instead of actually doing the tasks. Then I realised I was just stressing myself out, got my head down and got on with it. The day improved greatly after that!

It was a beans on toast night. I love food, I do. Cooking it and eating it. I love to experiment and try new things. But once in a while, it's awesome to just have some beans on toast with cheese & Brown Sauce. Cannae beat it!

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