Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

New Bed

After driving back from Bristol this morning and dropping the Wonderspouse at work on the way home I've had quite a busy day.

I've been very excited by seeing lots of pictures of Dexter, who's soon coming to live with us and have been in touch with his current human (who I met on the internet) quite a lot. I've also been corresponding with my Father-in-Law (whose sister is Smudge's current human) and starting to make arrangements there too!

And, since this seems to be a period of radical change in our lives, what with jobs and cats and so on, I thought I'd go the whole hog and buy a new bed!

In fact, this isn't as mad as it seems. I know for a fact that our bed base is 40 years old and suspect it may be as old as 60 or older. The mattress on top of it is nearly 20 years old and very well used - despite the 3 duvets, 2 mattress covers, and extra blankets and sheets, I can STILL feel the springs!

The Wonderspouse and I have been investigating beds for a while now. I started with the Argos catalogue and got a whole load of stuff about pockets, springs, foam, etc. that I didn't understand. Then, on the way to the Prom the other night we called in at John Lewis Home and went to see what was going on there. It didn't help - everything was at least a zillion pounds, every bed felt exactly the same to us, and the pocket/foam/springs business was even worse than the Argos catalogue, although I was VERY intrigued to know that John Lewis sells TRIPLE beds - what on EARTH do the middle classes get up to?

After deciding that either David Tenant or Mary Portas could join us in our triple bed, we shelved the bed question and went back to cats instead!

However, today I was out shopping and popped into one of those cheap multi-home carpet bed shop warehouse thingumys and finally found what we'd been looking for. I lay on several, decided springy mattresses were nicer than foamy ones, wriggled around on this one for a bit since it was the cheapest, found it perfectly comfy, and bought one. It's an ordinary double, which will fit our bedroom and bedlinen just fine and we won't have to worry about whom to invite to join us! The young man told me it will arrive in 3-4 weeks time, which gives me chance to do some house-shuffling!

And, it's even called Athena, which must be a good omen! :-)

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