Blueberries in waiting

Everywhere I look, I see exciting things happening. The roses are starting to produce new green foliage. The trees, leaves and blossom. The bulbs, shoots and some signs of colour.

All very exciting.

The most exciting of all, however, are my blueberry bushes which are diligently producing lots of wee buds. I am hopeful for a bumper crop this year. After all, I've been very diligent myself in caring for the bushes.

Here's hoping.

And I'm going to focus on that, rather than the awful 'show' (The Law Review - my friend and I walked out. It was just gratuitously disgusting. I hope I never need to be represented by one of these crude individuals) I went to this evening.

I leave you with one question, 'When did we go from clever/funny to stupid/crude as a suitable form of entertainment?'


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