Club 107

By club107

No please just lie down on tarmacadam

I'm fairly surprised the lengths to which my children are particpating in this life turns gig. Lying down on damp grass is one thing, see yesterday, lying down on chalk covered tarmac is another altogether. All I hope is tha these photos will not be used in a court of law to try me for acts of cruelty against members of my family.

Anyway here is child #2 going to school, cropped nastily out were the works of art including my best seagull in years. The strength of the lines representing the wings demonstrate a juxtaposition of the danger of nature and the chalkiness of chalk, albeit in a melting pot of our societies ills wrapped up in a search for humanity from a seagull, a manifestation of ephemerality is precisely the truth, submerged within the work?s material content, that most accurately reflects upon both past and future, it can only be accessed in the present, in the now-time of the object or image ?where thought comes to a standstill, rubber biscuit I think no one is reading, blah blah, in the strokes of his brush.

It was a no bad day, we had a fire drill at work which was interesting, so who checks server rooms if we have no access, hmm ponder.

Oh so yes back to school, said bye to the girls, which took under 30 seconds, eldest no longer hanging around, child #2 happier to resume her role as unofficial teaching assistant.


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