Wait...Don't run off. I need a blip!

Driving to a friend's house for a picnic this afternoon, we spotted a little herd of deer nibbling the grass on an empty residential lot. We drove past, quickly turned the car around and came back to blip the herd through the car window, but by that time they had crossed the street and were disappearing in the brush behind one of the houses. The little fawn just walking into the picture is the tail end (no pun intended) of the herd. It's a good thing that we stopped to get their picture when we did because the light drizzle that was falling soon turned into a heavy downpour. Fortunately our friends have enough indoor spaces and a covered patio, so the picnic went on, if not quite as they planned it.

Thankfully my cold seems a little better. At least it is past the stage where I have to worry about sharing it with anyone. I must have completely used up at least one box of tissues over the past few days though. Summer colds can be a minor misery!

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