A monarch...maybe?

I think it's a monarch butterfly.
Or wait, it may be a viceroy.
Let's google it.
Yep, it looks like the monarch,
But I'm not sure.
Oh drat! Why do they have to look so much alike?

That's what went through my mind as I tried to ID this beautiful orange specimen that posed so nicely for me this afternoon. I'm pretty sure it is a monarch because a viceroy would have an extra line around the edge of its wings, but feel free to tell me if I am wrong. The monarch is thought to have a more bitter taste, but I'm not about to take a bite and try to decide. Whichever it is, it is a beautiful butterfly, and it just rested on the leaf and let me get so close it was hardly necessary to crop the image at all.

Thanks, little monarch. Or are you a viceroy. Speak up, will you?

Today was cloudy and cool, if you can believe that after all our heat and humidity. All day it looked like it would rain, but it didn't put down a drop. Have to admit that I really enjoyed the change. And my cold is a little better I think, so maybe it's on the mend? <big smile>

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