Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


This time last year I was basking in new-motherdom, having given birth at home It was, without a doubt the best experience of my life.

My first birth was amazing of course but unfortunately I don't remember much about it...aside from it being lightening quick from the start to the point at which it all went horribly pear-shaped and I was about 30 seconds from having an emergency caesarian.

My second birth was different from the outset. Sarah (horrigans) knows how difficult it was for us to produce a longed-for sibling for Henry. While I could
get pregnant...staying pregnant was hard.

I was offered a home birth because I laboured so quickly with Henry...and...erm...I'm a bit thick and only realised I was in labour when I was
three quarters of the way through stage two. We live about 25 minutes from the
hospital and my midwife had visions of me giving birth at the side of the A14!
Anyway, home birth it was and I'm no hero...I had every pain relief I was allowed on the end I needed none of it, I was so relaxed my body took over and Noah just popped out...all 9lb 3oz of him!

He smiled almost as soon as hit fresh air and has continued to smile ever since. He is Mr. Happy with sprinkles on and adores his big brother. In return Henry has been the best big brother any little boy could hope for and has never shown even the slightest sign of jealousy. I don't always remember to give him enough credit for that.

So Happy Birthday Noodle Doodle...we all love you to pieces...and well done H for being the best BB in the whole wide world.

Note: Noah has been a bit poorly yesterday and today...running a bit of a
temperature. In spite of this he's been chirpy and has thoroughly enjoyed his
special day, even if his cake was served with a side-helping of Calpol!

Trying to capture a birthday picture though was like trying to capture smoke.The
child never sits still. I finally cornered him in his room (and even in this photo his hands are waving around) and I'm afraid this offering will have to do!

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