Wood Fired Pizza

What a day!

This evening we made our first wood fired pizzas in the oven. Success!

But this morning..

I went to the second hand building supplies and the hardware store before 10am...with a list.

After that, the first thing to do was to move the stove. We originally positioned it too close to the wooden frame. So, after much grunting and shoving we got it onto position. Then I removed the sheet of corrogated iron roofing, The flue hole was now in the wrong place. That sheet of corrugated ended up as the backing for the stove and I put a new(ish) sheet on the roof. Cut a new hole, etc, etc...

There were several other structural modifications made to fit the new position of the stove.

One thing I did purchase today was another old Crown stove. It has been at the second hand building supplies for a month or more. I made an offer and it was mine...or Jo's. These stoves were mode in Brisbane in the 50's and are becoming quite rare. Pictures to follow.

I was a very busy day.

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