Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

IKEA Label

The Bank Holiday weekend started with a lie in, then pancakes, and the joyful news that my food diary and exercise regime is paying off - I've lost 3lbs this week! Hurrah!

We've spent the day at home catching up on videos, watching the Grand Prix qualifying, and generally relaxing.

I've also finished sorting the IKEA shopping, and cut the gigantic labels off the side of the two small cushions I bought (for the princely sum of 69p each). I have to say, the labels alone are worth the money. I'm utterly delighted that I can now learn to say "Filling weight" and "Total weight" in 30 other languages - how cool is that? I also have translations of "Fabric: 50% cotton, 50% polyester Filling: Polyester fibres" and "100% Cotton" in all those languages too!

So, I cut the labels off, put the cushions to one side while I decide what to do with them, and carefully put the labels together because they'll be kept because of their wonderful array of languages!

I think they're brilliant!

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