Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Flames of Light

The heat came back again today and the temperature climbed to 94 degrees F in the afternoon but on my morning walk it wasn't too bad.

I quite surprised myself at the number of photographs I took today. I may well be riddled with self-doubt but it doesn't appear to impinge on my eye for a possible picture.

Once again, it was the last image I shot that found favour with my wife. It was my second choice, so we were almost in total accord. Now there's a rarity. :-)

It is the sun reflecting off a car's windows. I thought it looked pretty cool. The reflections looked like flames dancing on the wall.

Later in the day, I learned of the earthquake in New Zealand. I know Take The Leap/flying one of my subscriptions, as well as one of my suscribers, lives near Christchurch. I hope that she and her family are all right, as well as other blippers in that part of the world.

An earthquake at 4:35 am on a Saturday morning is certainly not my idea of fun.

Have a good weekend, y'all!

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