Let sleeping cats lie

It's raining, which means he can't possibly go outside.

There's not much to tell today. I had a fine cycle ride to and from work, although I expected the streets to be a lot busier than they were this evening since there's a tube strike on. I think the full impact will hit tomorrow. I'll be cycling again, even in the rain.

Willow tried to make another break for it this evening when I took the guinea pigs in from the wet. Mum will remember the impressive (if I do say so myself) dive into the undergrowth to catch her when she projected herself out of my hands during my family's visit. I'm canny to her whims now and have a tight hold of her when in transit. I must teach her the hand-holding code.

A fox stole Fred's sandal and chewed it a bit. We were a bit alarmed when we saw that only one of the pair was on the outside doormat. I found the stolen sandal in the flowerbed under the red hot pokers.

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