The new normal

I've had a few new normals of late. The aftermath of the earthquake being the latest.

Where I live there isn't a lot to see. Houses are largely intact. What you do see are tarpaulins on house roofs where chimneys used to be.

These guys are starting the process of removing a broken chimney and didn't mind their photo being taken. The home owners are fortunate to have a tin roof rather than tile or slate. Many fallen chimneys have gone straight through.

Last night everyone found it hard and terrifying. We had a lot of seismic activity with large aftershocks of 5.4 and 5.1. In themselves they are significant shakes.

I remain sleeping at my friends with the heavy duty fans and dehumidifier drying out my ceiling and floor. We've had a bit of respite from aftershocks today but we know they're not over yet. It would be nice if they could stay away during the hours of darkness.

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