
By reminisce

First day at Pondicherry

I had set an alarm for 5:30 AM so I could see the sunrise, but they sun never came out due the the clouds. So I went out and sat on the rocks in front of the beach and watched the sea for a long time, spent time clicking waves.

After breakfast we planned to walk around the city and see the various churches and structures from the French era. We started off but the sun was so hot and the weather so humid that I was totally dehydrated. After sunrise when the sun did come out it was terribly hot and unbearable. We called off our plans after seeing the Notre Dame Dumas church and walked down to La Club as fine French dining place. It was nicely done though no air conditioned. It took me more than 30 minutes to recover after which I washed up a bit and had a nice meal. We then decided to take an auto and buy some things from the store and returned to the hotel.

We went to a beach in the evening and that was good fun. After which we ate at another restaurant Rendezvous and had some great food and wine.

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