RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Moon Over Markleeville

I'm sure you will all agree, that after a full day of blip hunting, climbing over rocks, getting your feet wet, stumbling out of cars in oncoming traffic, being stung by bees... the blip, many times finds you!

Such was the case for this particular image. My wife and I spent the day traveling to many beautiful places including a trip up to Ebbets Pass. The road up to Ebbets Pass becomes a one-lane road with folks traveling both directions and very little space to get by. On top of that, the road circumvents deep canyons and areas of extreme exposure on both sides. However, it is beautiful beyond description and not many people venture this way unless they are truly in love with nature. I was on a mission to take a photo of a bristle cone pine that had been one of the subjects Ansel Adams shot on a frequent basis. I got a few that I was happy with, but the shot that got blip-of-the-day was this one which I call "Moon over Markleeville."

Markleeville is a very small, quaint little town way down below Ebbets Pass, along the Carson River. It's one street and one hotel, and one grocery/hardware store - one Sheriff's office, of course, and that's pretty much it. When we arrived after our journey to the pass, we went into the store and bought a few necessities. When I came out, I saw this image across the street.

On top of that, this waxing crescent moon is one of my wife's most favorite sites. She always gets weak in the knees and all "moonie" when she sees this.

So, here's to her and the bristle cone pine!


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