I'm too sexy for this couch

I have come to the conclusion that I have the most ridiculously beautiful animals.

Cousteau in his noble, dignified glory.

Pio in his cheeky, sleek mischievousness!

Another tiring day. I'm just tired.

But I'm not concentrating on the bad, I'm going to turn my focus to the good.

Like I said yesterday, other people's problems I cannot and will not make my own.

Good things then.

Interview with one of my students. Now my real essay writing can begin. There's an end in sight. A light at the end of extramural studies!

A beautiful house Mass. Felt great.

Home to laughter with my flatmate's fiance. Poor Es though, is pretty pooped. She gets up for work just after 3 each morning and it's taking its toll. She's tired all the time and can't even enjoy her days off because she's trying to catch up on her sleep and the rest of us are at work.

D's looking after her, which is good.

She'll work through it. These things have a habit of sorting themselves out.

New positive attitude. Let's see how long it will last!


Pure gorgeousness!

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