Me again again

Thought about making this black and white, but figured that my blue eyes are supposedly one of my best features so left it in colour.

I'm much more zen today. I've finally managed to see the wood for the trees. I've consolidated my to-do list. I've crossed a few things off and I have started to prioritise effectively.

An okay day at school which was reasonably constructive, despite the fact that I got a bit muddled with times at one point.

Home to a disgruntled, barking Cousteau. Couldn't work out what the problem was until I realised that 'scary dog' was in the way of him getting to his lunchtime biscuit. Steel dog duly moved, Cousteau was once more happy and munching on his treat. No wonder he'd been grouchy all afternoon!

We went for a pleasant walk by the river with the red boy and then home to burgers for D's birthday.

B and G are currently doing their martial arts practice in my living room, which is very entertaining.


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