
By flying

Kowhai #2

A few days ago I showed you the little tender leaves from the Kowhai tree, they are here.
Today we have the Kowhai bud just beginning to open, caught in the morning light against the blue sky. This is the flower which attracts the Tui, Bellbird and Stitchbird. They feed off nectar which is in the base of the flower. The Kowhai Tree is native to New Zealand.

Last night we experienced our biggest aftershock since Sept 4th. It measured 5 and had me wondering if it was going to get bigger or subside - thankfully it subsided but left with a few lingering shakes. I hope all Canterbury blippers are fine as it has put many people back on edge. Theres not a day go by when there isn't some movement in the earth - its got to stop soon, we hope!

Have a great Tuesday :)

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