Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Flu Jabs

This morning was up and out early for flu jabs! As usual, we were on the young end of those receiving them since we get them because we are both asthmatic. The actual jab is definitely getting less painful these days as needle technology improves, but I'm just starting to react now - achy, sweaty and with a very sore arm.

The nurse couldn't quite fathom why I was taking this picture so I explained it was for my journal! The Wonderspouse said it was a good job I wasn't in a 1980s spy novel or I'd be taking lots of pictures of salt mines! This blip business will land me in trouble one day I'm sure! ;-)

Other news is mainly feline. Dexter has now been identified as the culprit as far as weeing on the doormat is concerned (see previous blip - not sure what day I'm afraid). The problem started when his medication was reduced and we think it's some sort of territorial marking. Things came to a head very late last night when we had to break up a fight between Dex and Felix. Dex has had to go back in the cage for a bit and we're going to go back to the original pill dosage. Felix is now too scared to come into the house on his own, so we're giving him loads of reassurance and love too. There will also be further discussions with the vet.

Life is never simple, but we will get it sorted! It's hard work, but we'll not give up - after all, for the first few months we had Athena she was known as "The Nightmare Pet From Hell", but after a lot of careful hard work she became a wonderful wonderful cat who lived perfectly happily with the others and is still very much missed!

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