My Angle

By myangle

Toilet Reading - Comic or Annual Report?

If Jo wants me to read something important then there is only one place in the house where I am guaranteed to notice and have a flick through if for no other reason than I have some time to kill while I sit down...if you know what I mean.

The problem for Jo is that the annual reports have to compete with what I consider to be interesting reading. Usually if things sit there for a month or so, Jo will gently prompt me to read it or throw it away.
Who want's to read annual reports anyway?
I don't even understand them and there certainly isn't anyone watching me to impress if I pretend I know what they are about.

So usually it is just me and a VIZ comic or a good book.

Toilet related Blips (my family would say that it was only a matter of time before this happened!)

Hmmm. While I am typing this a cockroach ran over my hand. Ugh! The joys of living in Queensland. Thank goodness it wasn't a spider.

I am glad this week is over. Work is tense and although I mostly stay under the radar, the mood wears off on me. Two people resigned this week and I know of two that are going to do it next week. Replacing them will be hard. We have such low unemployment here that good staff are hard to come by. Apparently my boss has failed to realise that. With any luck I will be moving along myself soon. I have been waiting for a phone call all week and I have been assured by an insider that it is coming. Still, I am not getting too hopeful. 20 more months where I am now to finish my trade won't kill me.

Happy weekend all.

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