Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

A face only a mother should love

Yeah, right, I'm totally sane. It is normal to get up at 4:00 and attempt to feed a baby roof-rat. I mean, sure. Do you see how doggone little his head is compared to my fingers? Can you imagine how small his mouth is? And no place around here had any smaller nipples than the doll bottle sized ones in the pet stores. I would think vets would have them, but if they do, they are not admitting it. So, an eye dropper it is, though yesterday we managed to lock onto the babydoll bottle nipple, only to have it fail to let out any "milk".

I am no match for his mother who would feel so very warm, who has the proper milk and equipment, and knows how to massage his little body so he doesn't lose his circulation and she knows how to keep his system going properly. I try to help by using a cotton ball or a dampened cotton swab, but it is not an easy thing to know how to help another species in these ways. Amazing system in nature too...the nest stays clean because the children do not defecate unless mom is there cleaning it up. But, there is much too much for me to learn, and I am not sure still if I am doing anything correctly. It is frustrating.

Mom said she absolutely could not do this. I wish I could not do this. But, it is not in my nature. It is more in my nature to be a total nut case. It reminds me of the story of the monk who comes upon his fellow monk who is attempting to help a scorpion out of the water. "Why do you do this, when he is stinging you?" "It is in his nature to sting and it is in my nature to try to keep him from drowning." Is his reply. Well, something like that. It is way late and I am going to take a nap while I can. I'm feeling almost as goofy and groggy as I did when the kids were babies. G'night all.

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