Club 107

By club107

Ash-e-Reshteh vs galettes

Very good start to the day, well after the not so good 3.10am visit of my local ambulant hot water bottle, the smokeless coal was still hot in the fire and I started the fire in under 2 minutes.

Went to visit friends and had lunch and a very nice walk in South Queensferry. Great to catch up. When I was a child and we drove north to Fife I always thought this bridge looked so amazing.

Yesterday, while tidying up the garden the smell of cooking coming from my neighbour two doors away was quite amazing. I saw my neighbour and told her what a stunning smell it was, no sooner had I said this than she offered to give us some. So I reckoned that a generous deed like that deserved reciprocation, so we took along some galettes and emmental.

Tonight we ate the Ash-e-Reshteh and it was absolutely stunning. What brilliant neighbours.

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