
End of a very hectic day. A day when rain briefly paused. When I stood behind the large window looking at the wind picking up the fallen leaves in a swirl, when clouds grey and white swam across a brief blue sky, when shadows were unnaturally long at 2:30 in the afternoon. During the day I am locked indoors, at least for the moment. When I got out in the evening to leave, the cold wind brought thick drops of rain with it, and swept them away as soon as they hit the road. I'm not sure why but the moment when we opened up the doors that stood between warm silence on one side and a playful watery breeze on the other, was quite magical.

Of all places we decided to go to an Indian restaurant for dinner. The décor was 80s Bollywood (not intentional I imagine) and once inside, it was hard to believe it wasn't India. The waiters were indistinguishable and the music was from movies in the 90s. The only difference would be how empty the place was despite the good food. Given a much smaller crowd and the large amount of tipping almost customary in this part of the world, the attention and courtesy of the waiters towards customers is quite unlike that in India.

After a very poor sleep last night and the day that followed it, I can hardly keep myself awake now.

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