The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Marlborough College Girls

Today seemed a good day to pop over to Marlborough. I planned to photograph Marlborough College, currently topical because Kate Middleton was a pupil there, and do some shopping, maybe picking up some English muffins.

While I was taking pictures of the college, I noticed these girls on the other side of the road waving, and assumed they were trying to get the attention of some of the boys in the college grounds to my right. One of them clambered to the top of the fence and fell off, landing flat on her back in the grass. From the giggling coming from that direction I gathered that she hadn't been hurt. After I'd taken all my pictures and began to walk back, I realized they must actually be waving at me, wanting their picture taken.

I was very happy to oblige. Buildings can be snapped any old time, and who knows, perhaps one day one of these lovely ladies will become a princess?

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