Happy birthday Theo

I've spent a chunk of today at Theo's first birthday party. It was fun but pretty full on with lots of toddlers and babies. A wonderful celebration and time connecting with cousins. They're great.

This isn't the sharpest of today's shots but it's the one I like most. Sometimes soft is ok (or that's my theory and I'm sticking to it ;-)

Theo is in his birthday present, a large blue clam shaped and hinged container filled with balls. I wish they made an adult sized one I could play in.

I've back blipped yesterday. I was too tired to blip when I got home last night.

The boys are trying to convince me to get up early and go and watch the rugby. I don't even know who we're playing.

Here in NZ our thoughts are very much with the 29 trapped miners and their friends and families, at the Pike River Coal Mine on the West Coast. They've now been trapped for 27 + hours.

Time I put this computer down and foraged in the kitchen.

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